Monday, June 11, 2018

Best motivational speech 2018|| Be like a leader to solve problem ,not a follower to think about problem" ||2018||

Hello friend Here in this  post I like to share with you my best motivational speech "Be like  a leader to solve problem ,not a follower to think about problem" today I have topic to share you how a creative mind people are different with  other people and why  they don't believe in followers and  "Be like  a leader to solve problem, not a follower to think about problem"


              Be like  a leader to solve the problem, not a follower to think about the problem

People who are creative mind make their think and thought to be creative. they create new ideas for other people and for their self.

But the other side who are the follower they only think about the problem they never solve or get any solution because they never tried to be creative.

There is nothing impossible to do once when you decide to do with your strong strength and strong determination power .it’s all about your belief that we have with our own self.

There is not any problem we create a problem with own self .we work less and think more and have many hesitations while doing work.

If we get hesitation during our work period it’s all about your negative thoughts and its come from while having too much discussion your work.

Some time thinking overloaded make our path stuck and show you the many problems that you might resolve it and create a new solution.

Once you start to solve your problem all things happens in your favor but when you give up without making any ideas and not thinking about how to solve it seems useless. 
It’s all about your thought if you create a positive thought that you can find in yourself the strength to make impossible to possible.

 But if your thought is negative, you think more than your work, that you did and than you create a problem for yourself. you can only believe in making changes and you stuck your work.

We all have to incredible part in our life, one is a positive thought. It never comes easily, it only stays with you when you are fulfilled with confidence and dare to make a change with your strategy and thought.

The second one is negative thought it doesn’t need any types of favor. you have to just think more about your work and see the upcoming problem .its comes easily and destroy your hope and willpower.

The positive thought makes us strong with our inner strength, that we can face a problem and solve them, it shows the possibility and opportunity to make things happen.

Always be like a  leader that you can solve any kind of problem that other people can’t. be different with other and behave like an achiever.

Leaders are an anticipatory thinker of positive thoughts they consider all consequences of their behavior before they start to do some new and make their way or path easy to achieve.

Be a creative and positive mind to understand the people thoughts, being a leader is a true test of leadership how you can handle your function in a crisis.

Be like a leader, how they concentrate single-minded on one thing and have a belief on it and make things happen and stay until they complete their goal.

But other side doesn’t be like a follower because they are not conscious of their thought, they just find a mistake and problems from others thought and their work and stuck their life.

Respect is the key which determinate of high performance of your and people need and be a great leader. and people give the respect for how well you perform with their hope.

Have genuine knowledge and have responsibility for your thought and your work .it about a belief to keep more than more about you.

Don’t be like a follower that they have too much to talk but nothing genuine work to do, they look opportunity to have from other people.

Some people have belief on their self, they don’t believe in other thoughts, they believe in their own performance and make their own path and people follows them and their unique ideas and become a leader.

Always react quickly to do it when we find a unique idea and opportunity and present yourself having a great belief on today and be ready to face tomorrow.

Be innovative with your work don’t have to much excuse to push your work for tomorrow and be ready for the result of today from tomorrow.

Be satisfied with your work, only try to each and every strive to be better and start to make or look for new opportunity to be best from others.

Behave like a great leaders keep your fears inside you and motivate people with courage without having any fear.

It’s not necessarily that one who does the great is a great leader it all about our belief that people kept on you and make the people feel confident to do the great things.

Successful people and great leader don’t waste their time to educate and change their opinion and go over under through.

When we start to believe in our strength the things become easily on your way but when we have lots of doubt in our mind easy way also stuck your life and create difficulties in your way.

To control all power is strength and motivate people with strength .leadership is not who someone forced to make other people equal strong.

Be like a leader that gives a strength to other people . that they may have the strength to stand up on their feet and be successful on their way.

Be close enough to other people, but far enough that ahead to motivate them and get each reaction about them and find to solve their problem and motivate them.

Leaders have the burning ideas or problem-solving strength that he can control you or guide you when you are in your wrong path.

Be like a leader to take responsibility for other peoples need and create new ideas and get a right solution to make people hope and belief be stronger in your decision.

Leaders and followers are two different faces of mankind once believe in our self and second kept belief in others reaction.

A leader creates a solution and makes things happen in right way and followers search mistake and problems from other successful people works and make a comment.

Leaders have the responsibility to motivate other people and saw the right path and make them believe your thoughts and ideas.

Being a leader is an action, not a position that you can hold on every time, you have to be creative for other people who need your help guide them properly and you have to be prepared for hourly to work and make its move.

It’s the way of people believe that what they want from you once they start believing in you their strength goes stronger to be the success.


So always be a leader and behave like leaders and be an achiever and be great full and respectful to other people who need help or advice from you.

Be like successful people that people follow and need to know about you how you did and how you reach your goal.

Don’t be like a follower that always have some question in mind for other successful people and believe in making comment and waste your energy and time in commenting other peoples thought.

Have the great idea to be different with other and have different and unique idea that people can appreciate about your work and inspire other people with your success.   

Best motivational speech 2018|| Be like a leader to solve problem ,not a follower to think about problem" ||2018||

Hello friend Here in this  post I like to share with you my best motivational speech "Be like  a leader to solve problem ,not a follo...