Sunday, April 29, 2018

Quick refresh:best motivational thought "Don’t lets the success ,pass through your way"

               Don’t lets the success ,pass through your way

Whenever   you look behind when you are unsuccessful  you find  that some of your silly mistake make you lost your success . that’s not mean s that you don’t have any possibility to achieve  that goal, obviously many people want to be successful but, it’s not possible that all people can be successful because all people does not  look forward to the possibility ,some of them give up early and think that they can’t achieve their goal .when success pass through their  way.

When we believe that you have the possibility  to make impossible to possible  ,then you are in  best condition  to face the difficulties ,which can let you to give up .but you have  to stay with their and keep thinking ,what the mistake you are  doing that you don’t reach your goal and start to work on it .

Just you have to believe that you have that  will power  to achieve that goal. so you have  to decide to achieve .some  people are so strong that, they don’t let their goal to pass easily with their  way they don’t think about that how many attempt  it will take to achieve their goal .they only think about their goal  and what the mistake done by them  and start to  solve their problem 

We all know that many people are so mad  to achieve their goal , they don’t look behind what the mistake they are doing .if you   can realize your mistake ,then your will power grow to strong that you find your mistake and solve them. but it is not easy that you can find your mistake. it is most difficult question   of life ,that how can you find it .because they are silly mistake but create big problem .and many of brilliant people don’t find and their all life they are unsuccessful to achieve their goal.

All mankind  have will  power to achieve their goal  ,but we don’t have  invisible power that we can find our way so easily  to be  success . we have to make. we have to work  for it we look with  possibility make   strategy ,  if we are success than you are in right direction,  but when success  pass through  your way we think about your mistake and want to  solve it .

So “never let the success pass through your way”, you have to achieve it  you have  to think about different, how I can achieve my goal, it’s  don’t matter how much time  it take to make your dream in to success .always be friendly  to work. we have possibility that we can change  our un success to success and always believe that you are near  to  achieve  your goal.      

Quick refresh: best motivational speech "Forget the one ,get the one you can achieve"

                Forget the one ,get the one you can achieve

We always look after a immediate result and want to be successful .when  we try to achieve in our first attempt our hope of success is  to strong but in some situation  being failure to achieve your goal some of drop down their hope.

Many of them never want to try to achieve their goal again being a unsuccessful  because, they are  so afraid to being  failure to achieve their  goal ,many of example are  their A  businessman lost  time ,money etc  and student lost their patience ,time and hope. So being a successful is not so easy but it is not impossible to achieve.

We always  have to remember ,that success want time from you it don’t give you a immediate result it may take you to long distance, you have to stay their with  having patience , don’t think  about being failure always think about positive that you can  it is not impossible for me  .and move to your way to achieve your goal.

 Many of them are so hopeless, they always want to be success in their first attempt, they want immediate result without wasting their time  ,they don’t have too  much patience to wait and reach to the success and when  they become failure they think  about they are unavailable to achieve that and the goal they are trying to achieve is impossible for them.

 But we  all know and many successful person told that , their is not any reason to fail to achieve until you don’t make to be failure .if you decided than you have to go and move forward without having any excuse.

Un success is also a stage of success you have to pass through it .some of them  make different strategy they convert un success to success but some of them  don’t get out of it and become a failure.

Always forget that, One of you have unsuccess to achieve ,get the one you can achieve and make a new strategy and say to you this I will give my best to achieve that goal.

Unsuccess always  thought  a lesson you and give a  some experience and we all know that once your are full of experience ,than you can achieve any kind of goal what you want to achieve .and make a history .

Don’t look behind what you have did to achieve your goal ,only look forward what you have to do because when we look behind ,we start to calculate what you did and how much time it take to be success .and   that  time  you starting to make boundaries of timing and we always know that timing  create a pressure to you and keeping a pressure is not  the  right decision to achieve  your goal .

Don’t look behind ,what you did  to achieve your goal. look forward what you have  to do to  achieve your goal  to  be success, there is to much  possibility to achieve what you want  ,just you have to again stand up and , say to you  let do it again all is going well.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Quick refresh: best motivational thought“ Success bring many responsibility ,with your name and fame”

 Success bring many responsibility ,with your name and fame

Being  a  successful you  become ideal  for some people. who want to become like you, some follow on  your way ,your living hood while you  where preparing to  achieve your goal to be  success .many hopes start  to belongs  you ,So it is not so easy to being or living a  success life you have much more to achieve . 

We all have some ideal in our  life while achieving our goal and also have stories  or speeches or thought about  a  successful  people  , how  they  work  for it , their  strategy  to  achieve  , their  goal their time management ,how they make their hypothesis strong ,how they don’t have any hope being failure ,how they  make  their  will  power  strong , how  they never give up  etc. people always follow their ideal path how  to be successful.  People  are  always in touch with you  in daily updates they  want to learn about you.

In  mankind  we  have  many name of  successful  story to  describe  about  successful   people. people motivate with their  stories to others, some of them motivate them self with their ideal thought some  people  motivate their children, student ,businessman ,in office back office all their need is to motivate them self .some motivate  people for their health and wealth, some motivate people who are physically disable person with  name of  people  ,who despite their handicap and   make a name and fame in the world history ,By their  great achievement  .So  have a look how much responsibility is to the people who gain  responsibility with their success .

But we don’t know behind the story of successful people when you achieve your and taste the success a responsibility  also  you have  achieve with  your  goal. Yes  it is right when  you achieve any goal people have  many  hope  from  you  and  they  want  faith  from  you ,they  want to become like you  and make their  ideal  to  you . they  want  to follow successful  people  strategy  , how  they  work , their time management when you  started and till you have  achieve your goal, how you make your inner strength strong and about your will power ,what to do and what not do ,many people hope follows you ,who make you their ideal.

So  the faith  of  people  on you  and when you get such a faith from people ,your responsibility also get harder , you  have to better  response on your carrier ,you have daily something to achieve, you have to make  more  strategy  and  give best in your carrier ,know your responsibility is to big  First you thought you have to  achieve  your goal  and  be  successful  but after  that  you have responsibility to do what world need   from  you  and world always  remember  you , or you are live or alive, your name and fame, world always remember you as a inspiration ,ideal  and great achiever of life .They all have  to prove  ,They are evergreen achiever, All world will  know  them who Make world that dream you see is a bright future. you have to just do it real and lets the world  know their nothing impossible for mankind when they look for possibility.
Lets have a look some achiever   who make a name and fame in world history , Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein ,Stephen Hawkins, and  Aryabhatta  etc.   

So there is no easy life , when you achieve your goal world need more and from you .because you have that strength,  that will power and that possibility of mind ,that you can change impossible to possible.and we are very great full to the world, that we live in such a achiever world that you can live with great thought of possibility .   

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Quick refresh:best motivational thought “ Make many excuse , how to motivate yourself”

                                “ Make  many excuse , how to motivate yourself” 

Person who struggle to achieve their goal;. Think about how much possibility ,they have to achieve their goal.   Took  a  wrong  path  is  better than  not having  any  path  to  follow  .We  have more  than many possibility  to  reach your goal , you  have to  first  decide  path to go on it. Some  time it took  you to the wrong way, but doesn’t means you don’t have  any possibility  .We have will power to see possibility  to make every  path right .we think that we are in wrong     direction  but how we know that ,this is right or wrong path to Work on it. you have to choose  one  path .If  you want to do some different from others.

Why we give excuse this is wrong or right way, If you  decided  than  go for it, let your  will power so you the possibility, give excuse to motivate yourself ,First make a reason why  you want to achieve your goal. Than   think  how  to reach your goal ,.let  us be inspire with  other people, how they work  hard for their goal to achieve .Make  possibility  question ?can I do?  And have a answer yes I  can . and Make your will power to be strong.

Have your own goal to achieve ,don’t select the  path with other suggestion .make your own suggestion let fight for it ,If you have your own path ,believe that  you wrong path will turn into right path .because all path are right but  ,some failure or  failure who don’t  deserve it to reach their goal make sentence of wrong path .Always  look for a  possibility .don’t look  for other advice, Be like that people took  a advice with you.

All we  have same and equal power but, some of them use it to make them strong from  inside and some make it their outside power. Inside power turn into Inner strength, As your will power grow stronger but outside  power  don’t  have any  strength  remaining .  because   their  strength  goes in showoff .  always remember that goal you are trying to achieve, Its depend you make it easy or make it hard .

If you do  any work with  a pressure and try to complete it ,than you  are going to make your path to hard and  too  long  to achieve and if  you try  to  convert  your  pressure  in  to  possibility  than you can make  your path easy to  achieve your . So don’t let the pressure make  a strong space on you .
How pressure built in your  mind .Do you know about it .let have a talk pressure always come from when you   fix a  timing  or you   have  fix  that, that I have to do or I  have  to  complete in that  time Is a called a  pressure  come  from timing . when  your  time  near  about  to  complete your  pressure become more strong .And some of them  come out  from  that. because in pressure also  they see possibility but some of  drop down their hope  and give up .So don’t make a  boundation of timing to achieve your goal, when you have time let do it .

If your are going to  be success. than you will see your goal in your possibility . Because possibility always saw the  goal .yes  , you  will see  your  goal to  achieve  it .your  inner  strength  will  behave to  be  like achiever you fill that you have achieve your goal  It not  means  how  it will be  or how much time it take to complete.

Best  thing  is to be  successful l is  don’t make excuse with your work  .Always  have excuse to motivate yourself.  we all  want  to be a achiever in our life , but  the  reason is  some of  them only achieve  their  goal .We have some power our inside but , what is that invisible power we don’t   No About it,  But some time we feel  it while  we  hear a some inspiring and  motivational; thought or speeches  .Than what you feel  is your  will power, You  feel  that you  have  possibility  to do it .So the  power that  scroll  you from  Inside  , Is  the will  power  of possibility ,which  you  see in you . So  make  excuse, while you feel tired to work  but to motivated  yourself not to take rest  from  pressure of work .

visit:-                    for best motivational thought

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Quick refresh:best inspiring speech“While thinking about it is so easier , believing that is easier said than done”

        “While thinking about it is so easier , believing that is easier said than done”

We all hear about many clichés, while we are on our goal to achieve our dream “Never give up.” It’s probably one of the most clichés  phrases you will hear as you are hitting to your carrier.  But it is not  easy ,”how easy we hear about it” Only some of them great person  lets it to be true —we don’t know when the success will lay down  own. your way on next corner .
“While thinking about it is so easier , believing that is easier said than done” so let start with believing that,” I will never give up” like famous celebrities. Let us  have a look of a person , Some lived in their car, others suffered family abuse, and almost all encountered professionally and personally_ before starting to make strategy to achieve your goal let think about one of them Mrs-King Stephen.
Author Journey_ King Stephen story is fulfill with hard struggle He  lived in a trailer with his wife and was struggling when he was first trying to write. His wife also help him to write and they work multiple job to support their family, while pursuing their craft. They were so poor they had to borrow clothes for their wedding and had gotten rid of the telephone because it was too expensive. So this is the life how they were living in that day.
 “While thinking about it is so easier , believing that is easier said than done” We all hear about many clichés, while we are on our goal to achieve our dream “Never give up.” It’s probably one of the most clichés  phrases you will hear as you are hitting to your carrier.  But it is not  easy ,”how easy we hear about it” Only some of them great person  lets it to be true —we don’t know when the success will lay down  own. your way on next corner .  “While thinking about it is so easier , believing that is easier said than done” so let start with believing that,” I will never give up” like famous celebrities. Let us  have a look of a person , Some lived in their car, others suffered family abuse, and almost all encountered professionally and personally_ before starting to make strategy to achieve your goal let think about one of them Mrs-King Stephen.  Author Journey_ King Stephen story is fulfill with hard struggle He  lived in a trailer with his wife and was struggling when he was first trying to write. His wife also help him to write and they work multiple job to support their family, while pursuing their craft. They were so poor they had to borrow clothes for their wedding and had gotten rid of the telephone because it was too expensive. So this is the life how they were living in that day.      King writing  thought _He Always  Write  Ten  Pages Daily And Took Two To Three Month To  Complete His Work, It Word Raise Around  Up To 180,000word .He Was Known About His Feeling, People Feel Familiar  About His each Word. So Be Familiar About Work’ If Your Regularity Is To Work Strong Than , Always Do Some Extra Work. King Was Unable To Promote,  His Story .He Got More Than 60 Times Rejection Before Selling His First Short  Story “The Glass Floor “For $35.But He Never Let His Hope Goes Down ,Even His Best Selling Book Carrie Wasn’t A Hit At First After Dozen Of Rejection ,He Finally Sold It For A Mega Advance To Double Day Publishing ,Where The Hard Back Sold Only 13,Saoon After Signed For Copy Back Right For   $400,000,$200 ,000 of which when to king success achieved.    First publish book_ Carrie is a novel by American author Stephen King Real name Stephen Edwin king. It was his first published novel with an approximate first print –run of 30,000 copies. Released on April 5,1974.  Known for_ Author Stephen  Adwin  king was known for his best writing skill Maine king is the one of the most famous and famous and successful horror writers of all time .He was born on sep21,1947,in portland.  Conclusion_ So friend there are many types of  clichés you will find to inspire you But the real clichés is insides you can make your own clichés, what will be suitable for you. these clichés are made to inspire like  you and me. that never let your  hope down until you finish your work.

King writing  thought _He Always  Write  Ten  Pages Daily And Took Two To Three Month To  Complete His Work, It Word Raise Around  Up To 180,000word .He Was Known About His Feeling, People Feel Familiar  About His each Word. So Be Familiar About Work’ If Your Regularity Is To Work Strong Than , Always Do Some Extra Work. King Was Unable To Promote,  His Story .He Got More Than 60 Times Rejection Before Selling His First Short  Story “The Glass Floor “For $35.But He Never Let His Hope Goes Down ,Even His Best Selling Book Carrie Wasn’t A Hit At First After Dozen Of Rejection ,He Finally Sold It For A Mega Advance To Double Day Publishing ,Where The Hard Back Sold Only 13,Saoon After Signed For Copy Back Right For   $400,000,$200 ,000 of which when to king success achieved.

First publish book_ Carrie is a novel by American author Stephen King Real name Stephen Edwin king. It was his first published novel with an approximate first print –run of 30,000 copies. Released on April 5,1974.
Known for_ Author Stephen  Adwin  king was known for his best writing skill Maine king is the one of the most famous and famous and successful horror writers of all time .He was born on sep21,1947,in portland.


So friend there are many types of  clichés you will find to inspire you But the real clichés is insides you can make your own clichés, what will be suitable for you. these clichés are made to inspire like  you and me. that never let your  hope down until you finish your work.

visit:-              for best motivational thought

Monday, April 23, 2018

Quick refresh: best motivational speech“ . “ Be powerful not to dominate people but to conquer with other people ,so always gain knowledge from other but make your own short cut “.

“ Be powerful not to dominate people but to conquer with other people ,so  always gain knowledge from other but make your own short cut “.

In our life there is no meaning of life ,who don’t have any goal in life to achieve If you know that, if you think that work will done by you, than don’t waste time let go to start make best effort of life.

 There is not any power that can stop human power, just you have to remember that you have to give your best without wasting your time. you have to start because from there your life will change. invest your money your time your strength and your inside power to achieve that goal what you have decided . 

There  are many people who  become unsuccessful because they don’t have strength to achieve their goal all people are equal same power same mind. all are same but the main thing is  inner strength. they always so that they have  powerful strength.  

So the power is in yourself to believe your  power that you are doing is right or wrong . best to be successful is to  always question are you eligible to chase that goal and right down on the wall , and always remember that why you have started to achieve that goal, believe me you will never lets your hope down and your will grow your inner power  strong .
 powerful not to dominate people but to conquer with other people ,so  always gain knowledge from other but make your own short cut “.   In our life there is no meaning of life ,who don’t have any goal in life to achieve If you know that, if you think that work will done by you, than don’t waste time let go to start make best effort of life.     There is not any power that can stop human power, just you have to remember that you have to give your best without wasting your time. you have to start because from there your life will change. invest your money your time your strength and your inside power to achieve that goal what you have decided .     There  are many people who  become unsuccessful because they don’t have strength to achieve their goal all people are equal same power same mind. all are same but the main thing is  inner strength. they always so that they have  powerful strength.      So the power is in yourself to believe your  power that you are doing is right or wrong . best to be successful is to  always question are you eligible to chase that goal and right down on the wall , and always remember that why you have started to achieve that goal, believe me you will never lets your hope down and your will grow your inner power  strong .      You have to motivate yourself that you are achiever. I will never   give up after I reach or achieve my goal .common lets gain knowledge how much you can that be profitable for your  goal ,don’t  gain short knowledge .while it take to  much time to you but remember half information or  half knowledge always through you  backward  may you give up also .     So always gain your knowledge and make your own short cut don’t follow the way who  give gifted short cut knowledge .    A point where you want to reach you have to make  your own decision, lets the mind search great idea for you . always questioned yourself lets, the mind think about you what the strength  you have which work is best to you  for a work that you can do with your perfection ,never let the goal be  powerful then you  ,think you have more power to achieve your goal  .    World is so large and the world has many powerful people that, their will power are so strong that  they want to be achiever .when you are in your path to achieve your goal than  motivate yourself.    That all world is going to achieve that goal, but I want to be first .always remember that your positive energy will always so the possibility ,that you can? and always remind it on your mind there is no any short cut to achieve goal following other .there is success it’s on you  on that the short you have made for you will, let you see the right path to be success full.    Be so strong that no  one can distract you ,make your will power so strong that  no one can push you with their  thought always believe  in yourself your  make your inner power , and strength  generate power  for you .don’t think about them who are close to you or in front of you ,you have to just go on your way without looking here and there and motivate yourself that you are the first to reach or achieve that goal.    “ Be powerful not to dominate people but to conquer with other people ,so  always gain knowledge from other but make your own short cut “.

You have to motivate yourself that you are achiever. I will never   give up after I reach or achieve my goal .common lets gain knowledge how much you can that be profitable for your  goal ,don’t  gain short knowledge .while it take to  much time to you but remember half information or  half knowledge always through you  backward  may you give up also . 

So always gain your knowledge and make your own short cut don’t follow the way who  give gifted short cut knowledge .

A point where you want to reach you have to make  your own decision, lets the mind search great idea for you . always questioned yourself lets, the mind think about you what the strength  you have which work is best to you  for a work that you can do with your perfection ,never let the goal be  powerful then you  ,think you have more power to achieve your goal  .

World is so large and the world has many powerful people that, their will power are so strong that  they want to be achiever .when you are in your path to achieve your goal than  motivate yourself.

That all world is going to achieve that goal, but I want to be first .always remember that your positive energy will always so the possibility ,that you can? and always remind it on your mind there is no any short cut to achieve goal following other .there is success it’s on you  on that the short you have made for you will, let you see the right path to be success full.

Be so strong that no  one can distract you ,make your will power so strong that  no one can push you with their  thought always believe  in yourself your  make your inner power , and strength  generate power  for you .don’t think about them who are close to you or in front of you ,you have to just go on your way without looking here and there and motivate yourself that you are the first to reach or achieve that goal.

“ Be powerful not to dominate people but to conquer with other people ,so  always gain knowledge from other but make your own short cut “.

visit:-             for best motivational thought

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Quick refresh:best motivational speech “Let us appreciate people ,who played main role to create you to be successful”

      “Let us appreciate people ,who played main role to create  you to be successful

Important  of parents, teacher and leader, they are hope of our goal to be successful . they can treat you with difficult work to do , punish you ,insult you in front of your group, classmate or between people .

 It's  not mean, that they don’t trust you. all parents ,leaders and teachers have their own tragedy to treat you to motivate .some time  you try to give up but they  don't let you to give up .

They motivate you  with other people successful story  how they reach  their goal .they make us to be creative  mind and create new ideas. we don’t have any idea  to be success full in our life .you always need a people who always motivate you, that your are” good going,  you can do it”  and always appreciate to your work that you have done .

 They are our hope if we go on and  trust  them . you will achieve  your goal so easily ,that you cannot believe it ,that you have chase a goal that was looking  impossible for you .

Many people hope are  on us. our parent hope us to be a successful person but, they know that it is not possible without any teacher guideline so they try to give us a best teacher to you ,that you can make your way easy.

Some parents have so motivational thought that, they  always motivate their children with positive thought but the most important thing is they to need a teacher or a leader that who can saw them a right direction to reach  their  goal and which is best goal for them to us while achieving  your goal.  

leaders always  motivate us that you can do it and you feel that you  keep going with motivation power and you create your own ideas  in a great direction.  leaders always want that, people who are in his undergo to achieve his goal ,don’t let their  hope let go down . that is  a goal that you have to achieve  by group in the direction of their leader.

Important of teachers  they never want their student give their hope ,they always motivate student “yes you can do it” this is a most powerful thought that all teacher need while motivating their  student if you have learn that, the Way your teacher want to create you to be  best ,than  your are  100% on your way to Achieve your goal

 All parents need that his or her child be a successful  and make a name and fame and leader need that his group to be successful but teacher had helpful hope that every student be a successful and make a name and fame and feel proud .that they are student whom he has created to be successful.

So lets the teacher fell proud with your success and leader feel proud with his group and unity and parents feel proud that they are your parent . that they had taken right decision to make you to be successful .

 So lets the life be motivated by your teachers ,leaders and parents and feel power of their motivation thought .and get going to be successful.  

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Quick refresh: best motivational speech" If you can than I can

                         Best motivational  thought   " If you can than I can"

'We have number of exponents who despite their handicap with their will power and succeeded to achieve their goal .

Mozzart was deaf but, that not deter to him from  composing  some of the greatest operas in musical history .Vincent Van Gogh took to painting  very late but there was variety in his painting landscape, portraits and flowers among others .

 The upheavals in life did not deter him from painting . person  who  was fractured  with his both legs in his childhood Tragedy struck Henri Toulouse -Lautrec  with inner strength and determination his life make tragedies and become a celebrated   painter of life .

People  keep his painting in their dancing halls ,cafe etc There are numerous example from the lives of common people 'who despite their handicap and make history in the world and become  a inspiration for people .

Than why should you not .Is your will power too week than, their will power. yes their will power are strong they can achieve any goal with their strong determination and hypothesis for which they  can achieve any goal are eligible for  them to achieve .

There are to type of will power first one is a power to generated by motivating your self in positive approach .that you can face any deter which comes on your way, while achieving  your goal.

Second will power comes from when you make your mind to create new ideas to achieve your goal .your will power always grow strong as strong you believe in your self and make your possibility strong to achieve your goal.
                Best motivational  thought   " If you can than I can" 'We have number of exponents who despite their handicap with their will power and succeeded to achieve their goal .        Mozzart was deaf but, that not deter to him from  composing  some of the greatest operas in musical history .Vincent Van Gogh took to painting  very late but there was variety in his painting landscape, portraits and flowers among others .         The upheavals in life did not deter him from painting . person  who  was fractured  with his both legs in his childhood Tragedy struck Henri Toulouse -Lautrec  with inner strength and determination his life make tragedies and become a celebrated   painter of life .        People  keep his painting in their dancing halls ,cafe etc There are numerous example from the lives of common people 'who despite their handicap and make history in the world and become  a inspiration for people .     Than why should you not .Is your will power too week than, their will power. yes their will power are strong they can achieve any goal with their strong determination and hypothesis for which they  can achieve any goal are eligible for  them to achieve .           There are to type of will power first one is a power to generated by motivating your self in positive approach .that you can face any deter which comes on your way, while achieving  your goal.     Second will power comes from when you make your mind to create new ideas to achieve your goal .your will power always grow strong as strong you believe in your self and make your possibility strong to achieve your goal.            So don’t think about it ,that you will  be failure to achieve your goal . there were  many people who become failure .         while achieving their goal.but they don't Give up their goal. they make different strategy to reach their goal .It is always not right that, the way  you have selected to reach your goal  some time you have to see the face of  failure ,to find a right  path  to a Achieve your goal.     So from  know lets change our daily life style and full fill with positive energy, that you are next achiever in your field that  you selected to achieve always remember that, there is short cut to achieve your goal but you have to find it your own .     If you find it you will successful to achieve your goal and If you don’t find it you will be failure .but don’t give up again find ,it  with  making different strategy ,again ,and again until you don’t find  keep going believe me you will find that you have already rich your goal and it will be unbelievable success for you.

So don’t think about it ,that you will  be failure to achieve your goal . there were  many people who become failure .    

while achieving their goal.but they don't Give up their goal. they make different strategy to reach their goal .It is always not right that, the way  you have selected to reach your goal  some time you have to see the face of  failure ,to find a right  path  to a Achieve your goal.

So from  know lets change our daily life style and full fill with positive energy, that you are next achiever in your field that  you selected to achieve always remember that, there is short cut to achieve your goal but you have to find it your own .

If you find it you will successful to achieve your goal and If you don’t find it you will be failure .but don’t give up again find ,it  with  making different strategy ,again ,and again until you don’t find  keep going believe me you will find that you have already rich your goal and it will be unbelievable success for you.

visit:-   for best motivational thought

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Quick refresh: best motivational speech" Wan'na fly in sky ,without having any excuse nor shy”


                      “ Wan'na fly in sky ,without having any excuse nor shy”

 “ Wan'na fly in sky ,without having any excuse nor shy”   People who are  unsuccessful  to achieve their goal always have many excuse to talk about ,       They try to achieve their goal but they don’t select right goal to achieve, some has excuse that not having proper guide line and they were not made for that goal     what  they want to achieve .this is useless excuse if successful people who achieve their name  and fame all over the world.     They had given up  such excuse and give their hope then imagine how our world look . it’s doesn’t matter from  where you are coming all that’s matter is where are you going .    All people are  not millionaire or rich family  back ground more of them are from poor  background family .success don’t need your back ground ,  it need your faith from your work. some task seem impossible but can be successfully undertaken with sheer determination and hard work .    There are many successful  people in the world  who achieve their goal with strong will power and strong hypothesis , every individual must be prepared to face difficulties.      All people have to struggle with  their lives and daily routine. while achieving their goal more of them give up their hope while being  failure in their first attempt , their will power are not too strong they give up early .    Some path look very difficult walk on it , but you have to make your path easy with your strategy , determination and strong will power .  conclusion:-  All people are responsible for their  faith  in their work. unsuccessful people  don’t give their 100% while achieving their goal .so always select  goal that  you give up your 100% best ..their are many  possibility to select  your goal to  achieve and make your name and fame in world list of successful people .so lets fly in sky without any excuse nor shy.    visit:-                   for best motivational thought

People who are  unsuccessful  to achieve their goal always have many excuse to talk about ,

They try to achieve their goal but they don’t select right goal to achieve, some has excuse that not having proper guide line and they were not made for that goal

what  they want to achieve .this is useless excuse if successful people who achieve their name  and fame all over the world.

They had given up  such excuse and give their hope then imagine how our world look . it’s doesn’t matter from  where you are coming all that’s matter is where are you going .

All people are  not millionaire or rich family  back ground more of them are from poor  background family .success don’t need your back ground ,  it need your faith from your work. some task seem impossible but can be successfully undertaken with sheer determination and hard work .

There are many successful  people in the world  who achieve their goal with strong will power and strong hypothesis , every individual must be prepared to face difficulties.

 All people have to struggle with  their lives and daily routine. while achieving their goal more of them give up their hope while being  failure in their first attempt , their will power are not too strong they give up early .

Some path look very difficult walk on it , but you have to make your path easy with your strategy , determination and strong will power .


 All people are responsible for their  faith  in their work. unsuccessful people  don’t give their 100% while achieving their goal .so always select  goal that  you give up your 100% best ..their are many  possibility to select  your goal to  achieve and make your name and fame in world list of successful people .so lets fly in sky without any excuse nor shy.

visit:-                   for best motivational thought 

Best motivational speech 2018|| Be like a leader to solve problem ,not a follower to think about problem" ||2018||

Hello friend Here in this  post I like to share with you my best motivational speech "Be like  a leader to solve problem ,not a follo...