Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Quick refresh:best motivational thought “ Make many excuse , how to motivate yourself”

                                “ Make  many excuse , how to motivate yourself” 

Person who struggle to achieve their goal;. Think about how much possibility ,they have to achieve their goal.   Took  a  wrong  path  is  better than  not having  any  path  to  follow  .We  have more  than many possibility  to  reach your goal , you  have to  first  decide  path to go on it. Some  time it took  you to the wrong way, but doesn’t means you don’t have  any possibility  .We have will power to see possibility  to make every  path right .we think that we are in wrong     direction  but how we know that ,this is right or wrong path to Work on it. you have to choose  one  path .If  you want to do some different from others.

Why we give excuse this is wrong or right way, If you  decided  than  go for it, let your  will power so you the possibility, give excuse to motivate yourself ,First make a reason why  you want to achieve your goal. Than   think  how  to reach your goal ,.let  us be inspire with  other people, how they work  hard for their goal to achieve .Make  possibility  question ?can I do?  And have a answer yes I  can . and Make your will power to be strong.

Have your own goal to achieve ,don’t select the  path with other suggestion .make your own suggestion let fight for it ,If you have your own path ,believe that  you wrong path will turn into right path .because all path are right but  ,some failure or  failure who don’t  deserve it to reach their goal make sentence of wrong path .Always  look for a  possibility .don’t look  for other advice, Be like that people took  a advice with you.

All we  have same and equal power but, some of them use it to make them strong from  inside and some make it their outside power. Inside power turn into Inner strength, As your will power grow stronger but outside  power  don’t  have any  strength  remaining .  because   their  strength  goes in showoff .  always remember that goal you are trying to achieve, Its depend you make it easy or make it hard .

If you do  any work with  a pressure and try to complete it ,than you  are going to make your path to hard and  too  long  to achieve and if  you try  to  convert  your  pressure  in  to  possibility  than you can make  your path easy to  achieve your . So don’t let the pressure make  a strong space on you .
How pressure built in your  mind .Do you know about it .let have a talk pressure always come from when you   fix a  timing  or you   have  fix  that, that I have to do or I  have  to  complete in that  time Is a called a  pressure  come  from timing . when  your  time  near  about  to  complete your  pressure become more strong .And some of them  come out  from  that. because in pressure also  they see possibility but some of  drop down their hope  and give up .So don’t make a  boundation of timing to achieve your goal, when you have time let do it .

If your are going to  be success. than you will see your goal in your possibility . Because possibility always saw the  goal .yes  , you  will see  your  goal to  achieve  it .your  inner  strength  will  behave to  be  like achiever you fill that you have achieve your goal  It not  means  how  it will be  or how much time it take to complete.

Best  thing  is to be  successful l is  don’t make excuse with your work  .Always  have excuse to motivate yourself.  we all  want  to be a achiever in our life , but  the  reason is  some of  them only achieve  their  goal .We have some power our inside but , what is that invisible power we don’t   No About it,  But some time we feel  it while  we  hear a some inspiring and  motivational; thought or speeches  .Than what you feel  is your  will power, You  feel  that you  have  possibility  to do it .So the  power that  scroll  you from  Inside  , Is  the will  power  of possibility ,which  you  see in you . So  make  excuse, while you feel tired to work  but to motivated  yourself not to take rest  from  pressure of work .

visit:-                    for best motivational thought

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