Friday, April 20, 2018

Quick refresh: best motivational speech" If you can than I can

                         Best motivational  thought   " If you can than I can"

'We have number of exponents who despite their handicap with their will power and succeeded to achieve their goal .

Mozzart was deaf but, that not deter to him from  composing  some of the greatest operas in musical history .Vincent Van Gogh took to painting  very late but there was variety in his painting landscape, portraits and flowers among others .

 The upheavals in life did not deter him from painting . person  who  was fractured  with his both legs in his childhood Tragedy struck Henri Toulouse -Lautrec  with inner strength and determination his life make tragedies and become a celebrated   painter of life .

People  keep his painting in their dancing halls ,cafe etc There are numerous example from the lives of common people 'who despite their handicap and make history in the world and become  a inspiration for people .

Than why should you not .Is your will power too week than, their will power. yes their will power are strong they can achieve any goal with their strong determination and hypothesis for which they  can achieve any goal are eligible for  them to achieve .

There are to type of will power first one is a power to generated by motivating your self in positive approach .that you can face any deter which comes on your way, while achieving  your goal.

Second will power comes from when you make your mind to create new ideas to achieve your goal .your will power always grow strong as strong you believe in your self and make your possibility strong to achieve your goal.
                Best motivational  thought   " If you can than I can" 'We have number of exponents who despite their handicap with their will power and succeeded to achieve their goal .        Mozzart was deaf but, that not deter to him from  composing  some of the greatest operas in musical history .Vincent Van Gogh took to painting  very late but there was variety in his painting landscape, portraits and flowers among others .         The upheavals in life did not deter him from painting . person  who  was fractured  with his both legs in his childhood Tragedy struck Henri Toulouse -Lautrec  with inner strength and determination his life make tragedies and become a celebrated   painter of life .        People  keep his painting in their dancing halls ,cafe etc There are numerous example from the lives of common people 'who despite their handicap and make history in the world and become  a inspiration for people .     Than why should you not .Is your will power too week than, their will power. yes their will power are strong they can achieve any goal with their strong determination and hypothesis for which they  can achieve any goal are eligible for  them to achieve .           There are to type of will power first one is a power to generated by motivating your self in positive approach .that you can face any deter which comes on your way, while achieving  your goal.     Second will power comes from when you make your mind to create new ideas to achieve your goal .your will power always grow strong as strong you believe in your self and make your possibility strong to achieve your goal.            So don’t think about it ,that you will  be failure to achieve your goal . there were  many people who become failure .         while achieving their goal.but they don't Give up their goal. they make different strategy to reach their goal .It is always not right that, the way  you have selected to reach your goal  some time you have to see the face of  failure ,to find a right  path  to a Achieve your goal.     So from  know lets change our daily life style and full fill with positive energy, that you are next achiever in your field that  you selected to achieve always remember that, there is short cut to achieve your goal but you have to find it your own .     If you find it you will successful to achieve your goal and If you don’t find it you will be failure .but don’t give up again find ,it  with  making different strategy ,again ,and again until you don’t find  keep going believe me you will find that you have already rich your goal and it will be unbelievable success for you.

So don’t think about it ,that you will  be failure to achieve your goal . there were  many people who become failure .    

while achieving their goal.but they don't Give up their goal. they make different strategy to reach their goal .It is always not right that, the way  you have selected to reach your goal  some time you have to see the face of  failure ,to find a right  path  to a Achieve your goal.

So from  know lets change our daily life style and full fill with positive energy, that you are next achiever in your field that  you selected to achieve always remember that, there is short cut to achieve your goal but you have to find it your own .

If you find it you will successful to achieve your goal and If you don’t find it you will be failure .but don’t give up again find ,it  with  making different strategy ,again ,and again until you don’t find  keep going believe me you will find that you have already rich your goal and it will be unbelievable success for you.

visit:-   for best motivational thought

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